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Frequently Asked Questions

User FAQ

To help user understand Ribbon App and our company culture.

1. How to register as a user ?

Download Ribbon App at google play store, register with phone number and you are all set.

2. Why I can't found Ribbon App at App Store ?

Ribbon App is currently available in Google Play Store only, not available in App Store.

3. Why I am not able to upload photo during IC/ passport verification?

The verification process is unable to upload photos from the gallery to ensure all the profiles are genuine, and photos are not edited. Therefore, to increase the reliability, the system only allows you to take the photos on the spot and submit to verify.

4. Why I could not get any reply from Ribbon host ?

Might due an incomplete profile. User is encouraged to upload a decent polite real person profile picture with a short bio to let host understand you better. This way will definitely increase the chance of meeting up with a host.

5. Why my account is suspended ?

User's account is suspended due to inappropriate behaviour that violates the rules and regulations of Ribbon App. We've taken this precaution to protect our host while we make sure that the meet up activity doesn't cause harm.

Account suspended might due to, high demand and request for private meeting, fake profile picture is used, sexual related conversation shows disrespect to host.

6. What are Ribbon's company policy guidelines and rules?

You understand & agree with the company's policy guidelines and rules.


1) No private meeting, all meeting must be held at an open area.

2) RIBBON promotes healthy social activities.

3) No sexual activities.

4) No illegal activities, including the use of drugs.

5) No private arrangement.


The offender may face account suspension and legal issues.

© 2024 by Ribbon. Proudly under Momoda Marketing Sdn.Bhd. 202001036303 (1392624-W)

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